Historical Museum of Crato / CE
Museology. Librarianship. Representation. Documentation.
It addresses the concepts of representation of information and knowledge in the areas of museology and
library science. Discusses the standards and standards that exist for the documentation process of
museums and analyzes the way objects are handled in museums. The following
questions are raised in this research: how representative processes are done in museums?
What specific museum norms are worked on? Some similarity between representative processes
museums and libraries? How can the Historic Museum of Crato work this process? O
The general objective of this work is to discuss the models of Information Representation, and the possible
relations between the standards used in Library Science and those of Museology. This research
classifies as bibliographical and documentary using the qualitative method and the field research.
It is hoped that the results presented in this research can contribute to the studies done in
documentation in Museology in Brazil, I understand the representative processes and assisting museums in the
development of this activity.